M 8 -10, Corner Point, City Light Rd, opp. Sejal Appt,
Mon-Sat: 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM & 4:30 P.M - 8:30 PM Sun: Closed

Single tooth Implant

Replacing a missing or failing single tooth with an implant has great benefits over the alternative options of a bridge or denture.

Implants look function and feel like real teeth

  • Implants are fixed securely in your mouth – you do not remove them at night
  • Implants do not suffer hot and cold sensitivity
  • Implants never get decayed
  • Implants never suffer from root canal problems
  • Implants preserve bone by replacing the tooth root
  • Implants never feel loose and uncomfortable like a denture
  • There is no damage to adjacent teeth as is caused by a bridge
  • Implants produce an excellent cosmetic result – it’s usually impossible to tell the difference between implants and real teeth