M 8 -10, Corner Point, City Light Rd, opp. Sejal Appt,
Mon-Sat: 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM & 4:30 P.M - 8:30 PM Sun: Closed


Implant Denture

For a cost-effective way of replacing many missing teeth, dentures can be held securely in place with implants, providing a great improvement from traditional removable dentures. Some of the advatages of implant dentures over removable dentures are :

  • No need for denture adhesives, pastes, sticky gum or powders.
  • Implants help to maintain your facial structures by preserving the remaining bone in your jaws.
  • Minimizes wrinkles around the mouth by restoring lost lip-support.
  • Markedly improves your ability to chew – you can eat whatever you want and enjoy your food again.
  • Secure and comfortable – no more embarrassing moments caused by loose dentures!

A lower denture may only need 2 conventional implants to give a completely life-changing transformation to your ability to chew foods, and smile with confidence. An alternative to this is 4 ‘mini’ implants – this requires very minimal surgery.